Source code for elkpy.audiographcontroller

__author__ = "Ruben Svensson"
__copyright__ = """

    Copyright 2017-2019 Modern Ancient Instruments Networked AB, dba Elk

    elkpy is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms of the
    GNU General Public License as published by the Free Software Foundation, either version 3
    of the License, or (at your option) any later version.

    elkpy is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without
    even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE.  See the
    GNU General Public License for more details.

    You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License along with elkpy.  If
    not, see <>.
__license__ = "GPL-3.0"

import grpc

from . import sushierrors
from . import grpc_gen
from . import sushi_info_types as info_types
from typing import List

# Sushi audio graph controller class #

[docs]class AudioGraphController(object): """ A class to control the audio graph in sushi via gRPC. It has functions to create, move, delete and get info about audio graph object like tracks and processors. Attributes: _stub (AudioGraphControllerStub): Connection stubs to the gRPC audio graph interface implemented in sushi. """
[docs] def __init__(self, address = 'localhost:51051', sushi_proto_def = '/usr/share/sushi/sushi_rpc.proto'): """ The constructor for the AudioGraphController class setting up the gRPC connection with sushi. Parameters: address (str): 'ip-addres:port' The ip-addres and port at which to connect to sushi. sushi_proto_def (str): path to .proto file with SUSHI's gRPC services definition """ try: channel = grpc.insecure_channel(address) except AttributeError as e: raise TypeError("Parameter address = {}. Should be a string containing the ip-address and port of sushi ('ip-address:port')".format(address)) from e self._sushi_proto, self._sushi_grpc = grpc_gen.modules_from_proto(sushi_proto_def) self._stub = self._sushi_grpc.AudioGraphControllerStub(channel)
[docs] def get_all_processors(self) ->List[info_types.ProcessorInfo]: """ Gets a list of all available processors. Returns: List[info_types.ProcessorInfo]: A list with the info of all the available processors. """ try: response = self._stub.GetAllProcessors(self._sushi_proto.GenericVoidValue()) processor_info_list = [] for processor_info in response.processors: processor_info_list.append(info_types.ProcessorInfo(processor_info)) return processor_info_list except grpc.RpcError as e: sushierrors.grpc_error_handling(e)
[docs] def get_all_tracks(self) -> List[info_types.TrackInfo]: """ Gets a list of all available tracks. Returns: List[info_types.TrackInfo]: A list with the info of all the available tracks. """ try: response = self._stub.GetAllTracks(self._sushi_proto.GenericVoidValue()) track_info_list = [] for track_info in response.tracks: track_info_list.append(info_types.TrackInfo(track_info)) return track_info_list except grpc.RpcError as e: sushierrors.grpc_error_handling(e)
[docs] def get_track_id(self, track_name: str) -> int: """ Get the id of a track from its name. Parameters: track_name (str): The name of the track. Returns: int: The id of the track matching the name. """ try: response = self._stub.GetTrackId(self._sushi_proto.GenericStringValue( value = track_name )) return except grpc.RpcError as e: sushierrors.grpc_error_handling(e, "With track name: {}".format(track_name))
[docs] def get_track_info(self, track_identifier: int) -> info_types.TrackInfo: """ Get the info of a track from its id. Parameters: track_identifier (int): The id of the track to get the info from. Returns: info_types.TrackInfo: The info of the track matching the id. """ try: response = self._stub.GetTrackInfo(self._sushi_proto.TrackIdentifier( id = track_identifier )) return info_types.TrackInfo(response) except grpc.RpcError as e: sushierrors.grpc_error_handling(e, "With track id: {}".format(track_identifier))
[docs] def get_track_processors(self, track_identifier: int) -> List[info_types.ProcessorInfo]: """ Get a list of processors assigned on the specified track. Parameters: track_identifier (int): The id of the track to get the processor list from. Returns: List[info_types.ProcessorInfo]: A list of the info of the processors assigned to the track matching the id. """ try: response = self._stub.GetTrackProcessors(self._sushi_proto.TrackIdentifier( id = track_identifier )) processor_info_list = [] for processor_info in response.processors: processor_info_list.append(info_types.ProcessorInfo(processor_info)) return processor_info_list except grpc.RpcError as e: sushierrors.grpc_error_handling(e, "With track id: {}".format(track_identifier))
[docs] def get_processor_id(self, processor_name: str) -> int: """ Get the id of a processor from its name. Parameters: processor_name (str): The name of the processor to get the id from. Returns: int: The id of the processor matching the name. """ try: response = self._stub.GetProcessorId(self._sushi_proto.GenericStringValue( value = processor_name )) return except grpc.RpcError as e: sushierrors.grpc_error_handling(e, "With processor name: {}".format(processor_name))
[docs] def get_processor_info(self, processor_identifier: int) -> info_types.ProcessorInfo: """ Get the info of a processor from its id. Parameters: track_identifier (int): The id of the processor to get the info from. Returns: info_types.ProcessorInfo: The info of the processor matching the id. """ try: response = self._stub.GetProcessorInfo(self._sushi_proto.ProcessorIdentifier( id = processor_identifier )) return info_types.ProcessorInfo(response) except grpc.RpcError as e: sushierrors.grpc_error_handling(e, "With processor id: {}".format(processor_identifier))
[docs] def get_processor_bypass_state(self, processor_identifier: int) -> bool: """ Get the bypass state of the specified processor. Parameters: processor_identifier (int): The id of processor to get the bypass state from. Returns: bool: The bypass state of the processor matching the id. """ try: response = self._stub.GetProcessorBypassState(self._sushi_proto.ProcessorIdentifier( id = processor_identifier )) return response.value except grpc.RpcError as e: sushierrors.grpc_error_handling(e, "With processor id: {}".format(processor_identifier))
[docs] def get_processor_state(self, processor_identifier: int) -> info_types.ProcessorState: """ Get the full state of the specified processor. Parameters: processor_identifier (int): The id of processor to get the full state from. Returns: ProcessorState: An object describing the full the processor matching the id. """ try: response = self._stub.GetProcessorState(self._sushi_proto.ProcessorIdentifier( id = processor_identifier )) return info_types.ProcessorState(response) except grpc.RpcError as e: sushierrors.grpc_error_handling(e, "With processor id: {}".format(processor_identifier))
[docs] def set_processor_bypass_state(self, processor_identifier: int, bypass_state: bool) -> None: """ Set the bypass state of the specified processor. Parameters: processor_identifier (int): The id of the processor to set the bypass state of. bypass_sate (bool): The bypass state of the processor matching the id. """ try: self._stub.SetProcessorBypassState(self._sushi_proto.ProcessorBypassStateSetRequest( processor = self._sushi_proto.ProcessorIdentifier(id = processor_identifier), value = bypass_state )) except grpc.RpcError as e: sushierrors.grpc_error_handling(e, "With processor id: {}, bypass state: {}".format(processor_identifier, bypass_state))
def set_processor_state(self, processor_identifier: int, program_id: int = None, bypassed: None = False, property_values: (int, str) = [], parameter_values: (int, float) = []) -> None: """ Set the full or partial state of the specified processor. Parameters: program_id (int): The id of the program to set. bypassed (bool): Whether the processor should be bypassed or not. properties ((int, str)): A list of tuples (id, value) of string properties to set. parameters ((int, float)): A list of tuples (id, value) of parameter values to set. """ try: grpc_state = self._sushi_proto.ProcessorState() if program_id: grpc_state.program_id.value = program_id grpc_state.program_id.has_value = True if bypassed != None: grpc_state.bypassed.value = bypassed grpc_state.bypassed.has_value = True for property in property_values: grpc_property = = property[0] grpc_property.value = property[1] for parameter in parameter_values: grpc_parameter = grpc_state.parameters.add() grpc_parameter.parameter.parameter_id = parameter[0] grpc_parameter.value = parameter[1] self._stub.SetProcessorState(self._sushi_proto.ProcessorStateSetRequest( processor = self._sushi_proto.ProcessorIdentifier(id = processor_identifier), state = grpc_state )) except grpc.RpcError as e: sushierrors.grpc_error_handling(e, "With processor id: {}".format(processor_identifier))
[docs] def set_processor_state(self, processor_identifier: int, state: info_types.ProcessorState) -> None: """ Set the full or partial state of the specified processor from an existing state object. Parameters: state (info_types.ProcessorState): a state object either populated manually or received from a call to get_processor_state. """ try: grpc_state = self._sushi_proto.ProcessorState() if state.program_id: grpc_state.program_id.value = state.program_id grpc_state.program_id.has_value = True if state.bypassed != None: grpc_state.bypassed.value = state.bypassed grpc_state.bypassed.has_value = True for property in grpc_property = = property[0] grpc_property.value = property[1] for parameter in state.parameters: grpc_parameter = grpc_state.parameters.add() grpc_parameter.parameter.parameter_id = parameter[0] grpc_parameter.value = parameter[1] if len(state.binary_data) > 0: grpc_state.binary_data = state.binary_data self._stub.SetProcessorState(self._sushi_proto.ProcessorStateSetRequest( processor = self._sushi_proto.ProcessorIdentifier(id = processor_identifier), state = grpc_state )) except grpc.RpcError as e: sushierrors.grpc_error_handling(e, "With processor id: {}".format(processor_identifier))
[docs] def create_track(self, name: str, channels: int) -> None: """ Create a new track in sushi. Parameters: name (str): The name of the new track. channels (int): The number of channels to assign the new track. """ try: self._stub.CreateTrack(self._sushi_proto.CreateTrackRequest( name = name, channels = channels )) except grpc.RpcError as e: sushierrors.grpc_error_handling(e, "With track name: {}, number of channels: {}".format(name, channels))
[docs] def create_multibus_track(self, name: str, buses: int) -> None: """ Create a new multibus track in sushi. Parameters: name (str): The name of the new track. buses (int): The number of audio buses in the new track. """ try: self._stub.CreateMultibusTrack(self._sushi_proto.CreateMultibusTrackRequest( name = name, buses = buses )) except grpc.RpcError as e: sushierrors.grpc_error_handling(e, "With track name: {}, buses: {}".format(name, buses))
[docs] def create_pre_track(self, name: str) -> None: """ Create a new pre track in sushi. Parameters: name (str): The name of the new track. """ try: self._stub.CreatePreTrack(self._sushi_proto.CreatePreTrackRequest( name = name )) except grpc.RpcError as e: sushierrors.grpc_error_handling(e, "With track name: {}".format(name))
[docs] def create_post_track(self, name: str) -> None: """ Create a new post track in sushi. Parameters: name (str): The name of the new track. """ try: self._stub.CreatePostTrack(self._sushi_proto.CreatePostTrackRequest( name = name )) except grpc.RpcError as e: sushierrors.grpc_error_handling(e, "With track name: {}".format(name))
[docs] def create_processor_on_track(self, name: str, uid: str, path: str, processor_type: info_types.PluginType, track_id: int, before_processor: int, add_to_back: bool) -> None: """ Create a new processor on an existing track. Parameters: name (str): The name to assign the processor. Must be unique. uid (str): The uid of an internal sushi processor or the URI of an LV2 processor. Not applicable for vst2 or vst3. path (str): The path to the processor library. Only for vst2 or vst3 processors. processor_type (info_type.PluginType): The type of processor to create. track_id (int): The id of the track to add the processor to. before_processor (int): Which existing processor to create the new processor in front of. add_to_back (bool): Set to true to add the processor to the back of the processing chain on the track. """ try: self._stub.CreateProcessorOnTrack(self._sushi_proto.CreateProcessorRequest( name = name, uid = uid, path = path, type = self._sushi_proto.PluginType(type = processor_type), track = self._sushi_proto.TrackIdentifier(id = track_id), position = self._sushi_proto.ProcessorPosition(add_to_back = add_to_back, before_processor = self._sushi_proto.ProcessorIdentifier(id = before_processor)) )) except grpc.RpcError as e: sushierrors.grpc_error_handling(e, "With processor name: {}, uid: {}, path: {}, type: {}, id: {}, position: {}, add_to_back: {}".format(name, uid, path, processor_type, track_id, before_processor, add_to_back))
[docs] def move_processor_on_track(self, processor: int, source_track: int, destination_track: int, before_processor: int, add_to_back: bool) -> None: """ Move an existing processor. Parameters: processor (int): The id of the processor to move. source_track (int): The id of the track to move the processor from. destination_track (int): The id of the track to move the processor to. before_processor (int): The id of another processor to move this processor in front of. add_to_back (bool): Set to true to add the processor to the back of the processing chain on the track. """ try: self._stub.MoveProcessorOnTrack(self._sushi_proto.MoveProcessorRequest( processor = self._sushi_proto.ProcessorIdentifier(id = processor), source_track = self._sushi_proto.TrackIdentifier(id = source_track), dest_track = self._sushi_proto.TrackIdentifier(id = destination_track), position = self._sushi_proto.ProcessorPosition(add_to_back = add_to_back, before_processor = self._sushi_proto.ProcessorIdentifier(id = before_processor)) )) except grpc.RpcError as e: sushierrors.grpc_error_handling(e, "With processor id: {}, source_track: {}, dest_track: {}, before_processor: {}, add_to_back: {}".format(processor, source_track, destination_track, before_processor, add_to_back))
[docs] def delete_processor_from_track(self, processor: int, track: int) -> None: """ Delete an existing processor from a track. Parameters: processor (int): The id of the processor to delete. track (int): The id of the track that contains the processor. """ try: self._stub.DeleteProcessorFromTrack(self._sushi_proto.DeleteProcessorRequest( processor = self._sushi_proto.ProcessorIdentifier(id = processor), track = self._sushi_proto.TrackIdentifier(id = track) )) except grpc.RpcError as e: sushierrors.grpc_error_handling(e, "With processor id: {}, track id: {}".format(processor, track))
[docs] def delete_track(self, track_id: int) -> None: """ Delet a track. Parameters: track_id (int): The id of the track to delete. """ try: self._stub.DeleteTrack(self._sushi_proto.TrackIdentifier(id = track_id)) except grpc.RpcError as e: sushierrors.grpc_error_handling(e, "With track id: {}".format(track_id))