Source code for elkpy.sushicontroller
__author__ = "Ruben Svensson"
__copyright__ = """
Copyright 2017-2019 Modern Ancient Instruments Networked AB, dba Elk
elkpy is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms of the
GNU General Public License as published by the Free Software Foundation, either version 3
of the License, or (at your option) any later version.
elkpy is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without
even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the
GNU General Public License for more details.
You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License along with elkpy. If
not, see <>.
__license__ = "GPL-3.0"
import threading
import grpc
from . import sushierrors
from . import grpc_gen
from . import sushi_info_types as info_types
from . import audiographcontroller
from . import keyboardcontroller
from . import parametercontroller
from . import programcontroller
from . import timingcontroller
from . import transportcontroller
from . import audioroutingcontroller
from . import midicontroller
from . import cvgatecontroller
from . import osccontroller
from . import systemcontroller
from . import sessioncontroller
from . import notificationcontroller
from typing import List
from typing import List, Callable
# Error handling functions #
[docs]class SushiUnkownError(Exception):
Error thrown when the source of the error can't be determined
[docs]class SushiUnsupportedOperationError(Exception):
Error thrown when the operation attempted is not currently supported in sushi
[docs]class SushiNotFoundError(Exception):
Error thrown if the requested entity is not found in sushi
[docs]class SushiOutOfRangeError(Exception):
Error thrown if one or more of the passed arguments are out of their allowed range
[docs]class SushiInvalidArgumentError(Exception):
Error thrown if one or more of the passed arguments are invalid
[docs]class SushiInternalError(Exception):
Error thrown if sushi encountered an internal error
[docs]def grpc_error_handling(e, context_info = ''):
Maps a gRPC exception to the corresponding sushi error. If the exception doesn't have a mapping
the context info will be printed and the same exception will be re-raised
if (e.code().name == 'UNKNOWN'):
raise SushiUnkownError(e.details() , context_info) from e
elif (e.code().name == 'FAILED_PRECONDITION'):
raise SushiUnsupportedOperationError(e.details() , context_info) from e
elif (e.code().name == 'NOT_FOUND'):
raise SushiNotFoundError(e.details() , context_info) from e
elif (e.code().name == 'OUT_OF_RANGE'):
raise SushiOutOfRangeError(e.details() , context_info) from e
elif (e.code().name == 'INVALID_ARGUMENT'):
raise SushiInvalidArgumentError(e.details() , context_info) from e
elif (e.code().name == 'INTERNAL'):
raise SushiInternalError(e.details() , context_info) from e
raise e
# print('Grpc error: ' + str e.code().name) + ', ' + e.details())
# Main sushi controller class #
[docs]class SushiController(object):
A class to control sushi via gRPC.
This class creates one instance of each different controller type and makes
these sub-controllers available as member variables. See the documentation
of the separate sub-controllers for their usage.
_stub (SushiControllerStub): Connection stubs to the gRPC interface implemented in sushi.
close() should ALWAYS be called as part of an application housekeeping/cleanup-before-shutdown routine as it
ensure proper releasing of resources and clean joining of concurrent threads.
[docs] def __init__(self,
address = 'localhost:51051',
sushi_proto_def = '/usr/share/sushi/sushi_rpc.proto'):
The constructor for the SushiController class setting up the gRPC connection with sushi.
address (str): 'ip-addres:port' The ip-addres and port at which to connect to sushi.
sushi_proto_def (str): path to .proto file with SUSHI's gRPC services definition
self.audio_graph = audiographcontroller.AudioGraphController(address, sushi_proto_def)
self.keyboard = keyboardcontroller.KeyboardController(address, sushi_proto_def)
self.parameters = parametercontroller.ParameterController(address, sushi_proto_def)
self.programs = programcontroller.ProgramController(address, sushi_proto_def)
self.timings = timingcontroller.TimingController(address, sushi_proto_def)
self.transport = transportcontroller.TransportController(address, sushi_proto_def)
self.audio_routing = audioroutingcontroller.AudioRoutingController(address, sushi_proto_def)
self.midi_controller = midicontroller.MidiController(address, sushi_proto_def)
self.cv_gate_controller = cvgatecontroller.CvGateController(address, sushi_proto_def)
self.osc_controller = osccontroller.OscController(address, sushi_proto_def)
self.system = systemcontroller.SystemController(address, sushi_proto_def)
self.session = sessioncontroller.SessionController(address, sushi_proto_def)
self.notifications = notificationcontroller.NotificationController(address, sushi_proto_def)
[docs] def close(self):
This method should be called at app close.
It should call any sub-controller close routines whenever they exist.
i.e.: NotificationController has an infinite event loop running in its own thread, which has to be stopped and joined
to ensure clean closing and proper releasing of any resources.
def __del__(self):