Source code for elkpy.sushiprocessor

__author__ = "Ruben Svensson"
__copyright__ = """

    Copyright 2017-2019 Modern Ancient Instruments Networked AB, dba Elk

    elkpy is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms of the
    GNU General Public License as published by the Free Software Foundation, either version 3
    of the License, or (at your option) any later version.

    elkpy is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without
    even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE.  See the
    GNU General Public License for more details.

    You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License along with elkpy.  If
    not, see <>.
__license__ = "GPL-3.0"

from . import sushicontroller as sc
from .sushicontroller import SushiController
from typing import List

[docs]class SushiProcessor(object): """ A Class to provide control of a specific processor in sushi. Attributes: _name (str): The name of the processor. _controller (SushiController): The sushi controller to use. _track_id (int): The id of the track the processor is assigned to. _id (int): The id corresponding to the name of the processor. _parameters (dict): A mapping from parameter name to parameter id. _programs (dict): A mapping from program name to program id. """
[docs] def __init__(self, processor_name: str, controller: SushiController): """ Constructor for the sushi processor. Takes the name and the controller used to control sushi. Parameters: processor_name (str): The name of the processor to control. controller (SushiController): The controller to use for controlling the processor. """ self._name = processor_name self._controller = controller self._track_id = -1 self._id = self._controller.audio_graph.get_processor_id(self._name) self._parameters = {} self._programs = {} # TODO: Use try block when error handling is approved for parameter in controller.parameters.get_processor_parameters(self._id): self._parameters[] = if (self._controller.audio_graph.get_processor_info(self._id).program_count > 0): # TODO: Use try block when error handling is approved for program in controller.programs.get_processor_programs(self._id): self._programs[] =
##################### # Parameter Control # #####################
[docs] def set_parameter_value(self, parameter_name: str, value: float) -> None: """ Set the value of parameter by name. Parameters: parameter_name (str): The name of the parameter to set the value of. value (float): The value to set the parameter to. """ self._controller.parameters.set_parameter_value(self._id, self._parameters[parameter_name], value)
[docs] def get_parameter_value(self, parameter_name: str) -> float: """ Get the value of a parameter by name. Parameters: parameter_name (str): The name of the parameter to get the value from. Returns: float: The current value of the parameter. """ return self._controller.parameters.get_parameter_value(self._id, self._parameters[parameter_name])
[docs] def get_parameters(self) -> List[str]: """ Get a list of the names of the parameters available to the processor. Returns: List[str]: List of parameter names. """ return list(self._parameters)
[docs] def get_parameter_values(self) -> dict: """ Get the current value of the parameters with their name as the key. Returns: dict: Dictionary with key as parameter names and value as the current parameter value. """ parameter_values = {} for param in self._parameters: parameter_values[param] = self._controller.parameters.get_parameter_value(self._id, self._parameters[param]) return parameter_values
[docs] def get_bypass_state(self) -> bool: """ Get the bypass state of the processor. Returns: bool: The bypass state of the processor. """ return self._controller.audio_graph.get_processor_bypass_state(self._id)
[docs] def set_bypass_state(self, bypass_state: bool) -> None: """ Set the bypass state of the processor. Parameters: bypass_state (bool): The bypass state to set the processor to. """ self._controller.audio_graph.set_processor_bypass_state(self._id, bypass_state)
################### # Program control # ###################
[docs] def set_program(self, program_name: str) -> None: """ Set the current program of the processor with the program name Parameters: program_name (str): The name of the program to set the processor to. """ try: self._controller.audio_graph.set_processor_program(self._id, self._programs[program_name]) except KeyError: self._controller.audio_graph.set_processor_program(self._id, program_name)
[docs] def set_program_next(self): """ Set the processor to the next program or loopback to the beginning if at the end of the program list """ number_of_programs = len(self._programs) current_program_index = self._controller.audio_graph.get_processor_current_program(self._id) if current_program_index == number_of_programs-1: new_program_index = 0 else: new_program_index = current_program_index + 1 self._controller.audio_graph.set_processor_program(self._id, new_program_index)
[docs] def set_program_previous(self): """ Set the processor to the previous program or loopback to the end if at the start of the program list """ number_of_programs = len(self._programs) current_program_index = self._controller.audio_graph.get_processor_current_program(self._id) if current_program_index == 0: new_program_index = number_of_programs-1 else: new_program_index = current_program_index - 1 self._controller.audio_graph.set_processor_program(self._id, new_program_index)
[docs] def get_program(self) -> str: """ Get the name of the current program. Returns (str): The name of the current program. """ return self._controller.programs.get_processor_current_program_name(self._id)
[docs] def get_programs(self) -> List[str]: """ Get a list of the names of the available programs. Returns: List[str]: The names of the available programs. """ return list(self._programs)
#################### # Keyboard control # ####################
[docs] def send_note_on(self, channel: int, note: int, velocity: float): """ Send a note on message to the track containing the processor. Parameters: channel (int): The channel to send the message on. note (int): The midi note value to send. velocity (float): The velocity of the note as a float between 0-1. """ self._controller.keyboard.send_note_on(self._track_id, channel, note, velocity)
[docs] def send_note_off(self, channel: int, note: int, velocity: float): """ Send a note off message to the track containing the processor. Parameters: channel (int): The channel to send the message on. note (int): The midi note value to send. velocity (float): The velocity of the note as a float between 0-1. """ self._controller.keyboard.send_note_off(self._track_id, channel, note, velocity)
[docs] def send_note_aftertouch(self, channel: int, note: int, value: float): """ Send a note aftertouch message to the track containing the processor. Parameters: channel (int): The channel to send the message on. note (int): The midi note value to send. value (float): The aftertouch value of the note as a float between 0-1. """ self._controller.keyboard.send_note_aftertouch(self._track_id, channel, note, value)
[docs] def send_aftertouch(self, channel: int, value: float): """ Send a aftertouch message to the track containing the processor. Parameters: channel (int): The channel to send the message on. value (float): The aftertouch value of the note as a float between 0-1. """ self._controller.keyboard.send_aftertouch(self._track_id, channel, value)
[docs] def send_pitch_bend(self, channel: int, value: float): """ Send a pitch bend message to the track containing the processor. Parameters: channel (int): The channel to send the message on. value (float): The pitch bend value of the note as a float between 0-1. """ self._controller.keyboard.send_pitch_bend(self._track_id, channel, value)
[docs] def send_modulation(self, channel: int, value: float): """ Send a modulation message to the track containing the processor. Parameters: channel (int): The channel to send the message on. value (float): The modulation value of the note as a float between 0-1. """ self._controller.keyboard.send_pitch_bend(self._track_id, channel, value)