Source code for elkpy.timingcontroller

__author__ = "Ruben Svensson"
__copyright__ = """

    Copyright 2017-2019 Modern Ancient Instruments Networked AB, dba Elk

    elkpy is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms of the
    GNU General Public License as published by the Free Software Foundation, either version 3
    of the License, or (at your option) any later version.

    elkpy is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without
    even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE.  See the
    GNU General Public License for more details.

    You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License along with elkpy.  If
    not, see <>.
__license__ = "GPL-3.0"

import grpc

from . import sushierrors
from . import grpc_gen
from . import sushi_info_types as info_types
from typing import List

# Sushi timing controller class #

[docs]class TimingController(object): """ A class to control the timing in sushi via gRPC. It can get and reset the different timing statistics provided by sushi. Attributes: _stub (TimingControllerStub): Connection stubs to the gRPC timing interface implemented in sushi. """
[docs] def __init__(self, address = 'localhost:51051', sushi_proto_def = '/usr/share/sushi/sushi_rpc.proto'): """ The constructor for the TimingController class setting up the gRPC connection with sushi. Parameters: address (str): 'ip-addres:port' The ip-addres and port at which to connect to sushi. sushi_proto_def (str): path to .proto file with SUSHI's gRPC services definition """ try: channel = grpc.insecure_channel(address) except AttributeError as e: raise TypeError("Parameter address = {}. Should be a string containing the ip-address and port of sushi ('ip-address:port')".format(address)) from e self._sushi_proto, self._sushi_grpc = grpc_gen.modules_from_proto(sushi_proto_def) self._stub = self._sushi_grpc.TimingControllerStub(channel)
[docs] def get_timings_enabled(self) -> bool: """ Get the state of timing statstics. Returns: bool: True if statistics is enabled, False if not. """ try: response = self._stub.GetTimingsEnabled(self._sushi_proto.GenericVoidValue()) return response.value except grpc.RpcError as e: sushierrors.grpc_error_handling(e)
[docs] def set_timings_enabled(self, enabled: bool) -> None: """ Set the state of timing statstics. Parameters: bool: True if statistics is enabled, False if not. """ try: self._stub.SetTimingsEnabled(self._sushi_proto.GenericBoolValue(value = enabled)) except grpc.RpcError as e: sushierrors.grpc_error_handling(e)
[docs] def get_engine_timings(self) -> (float, float, float): """ Get the average, min and max timings of the engine. Returns: float: The average engine processing time in ms. float: The minimum engine processing time in ms. float: The maximum engine processing time in ms. """ try: response = self._stub.GetEngineTimings(self._sushi_proto.GenericVoidValue()) return response.average, response.min, response.max except grpc.RpcError as e: sushierrors.grpc_error_handling(e)
[docs] def get_track_timings(self, track_identifier: int) -> (float, float, float): """ Get the average, min and max timings of the specified track. Parameters: track_identifier (int): The id of the track to get timings from. Returns: float: The average track processing time in ms. float: The minimum track processing time in ms. float: The maximum track processing time in ms. """ try: response = self._stub.GetTrackTimings(self._sushi_proto.TrackIdentifier( id = track_identifier )) return response.average, response.min, response.max except grpc.RpcError as e: sushierrors.grpc_error_handling(e, "With track id: {}".format(track_identifier))
[docs] def get_processor_timings(self, processor_identifier: int) -> (float, float, float): """ Get the average, min and max timings of the specified processor. Parameters: processor_identifier (int): The id of the processor to get timings from. Returns: float: The average processor processing time in ms. float: The minimum processor processing time in ms. float: The maximum processor processing time in ms. """ try: response = self._stub.GetProcessorTimings(self._sushi_proto.ProcessorIdentifier( id = processor_identifier )) return response.average, response.min, response.max except grpc.RpcError as e: sushierrors.grpc_error_handling(e, "With processor id: {}".format(processor_identifier))
[docs] def reset_all_timings(self) -> None: """ Reset all the timings. """ try: self._stub.ResetAllTimings(self._sushi_proto.GenericVoidValue()) except grpc.RpcError as e: sushierrors.grpc_error_handling(e)
[docs] def reset_track_timings(self, track_identifier: int) -> None: """ Reset the timings of the specified track. Parameters: track_identifier (int): The id of the track to reset the timings of. """ try: self._stub.ResetTrackTimings(self._sushi_proto.TrackIdentifier( id = track_identifier )) except grpc.RpcError as e: sushierrors.grpc_error_handling(e, "With track id: {}".format(track_identifier))
[docs] def reset_processor_timings(self, processor_identifier: int) -> None: """ Reset the timings of the specified processor. Parameters: processor_identifier (int): The id of the processor to reset the timings of. """ try: self._stub.ResetProcessorTimings(self._sushi_proto.ProcessorIdentifier( id = processor_identifier )) except grpc.RpcError as e: sushierrors.grpc_error_handling(e, "With processor id: {}".format(processor_identifier))